epic mountain gear return policy

by Robin Zulauf Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

What determines the release setting on ski bindings?

The factors that determine the release setting on your ski bindings include your height, weight, age, boot sole length, and your personal release preference. You are responsible for determining your own release preference based upon the chart below and for informing the ski shop technician of your preference.

What type of bindings do I need for recreational skiing?

Skiers who designate themselves as Type II receive average ski binding release settings appropriate for most recreational skiing. Type III: Skiers who designate themselves as Type III receive higher than average release settings.

Can you ride a bike on a mountain?

At most resorts, yes. Check current conditions and for any trail restrictions before your visit. Several resorts also have chairlifts that carry you and your bike up the mountain so you can ride down single-track trails or ski runs. Resorts like Whistler Blackcomb, Keystone, Northstar and more have bike parks.

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