What is Optics Planet's return policy for unopened items?
Well luckily you ordered from OpticsPlanet.com, where making a return is easy and hassle-free. You can return most unopened/like new items within 30 days of receipt for an exchange or full refund.
Can I cancel my order at OpticsPlanet?
At OpticsPlanet, we know sometimes plans change, and that's why we make it easy to cancel your orders! If you decide you would no longer like an item that you ordered, you can cancel it any time before we begin preparing the item for shipment. Cancelling your order is simple on our website!
What is OpticsPlanet's domestic compliance policy?
Per our Domestic Compliance Policy, it is ultimately the Customer's responsibility to investigate and ensure that any item is legal to use, carry, possess, purchase and/or own within the Customer's intended federal, state and/or local area. What are the exceptions to OpticsPlanet's Return Policy?
Is OpticsPlanet safe to order from?
We use industry-leading secure servers that ensure that our ordering process is up-to-date, safe, and capable of protecting your personal information. All purchases paid via PayPal at OpticsPlanet are automatically eligible for PayPal Buyer Protection and are covered against fraud for the full purchase price of your order.

What is OpticsPlanet return policy?
If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return most items within 30 days of receipt of merchandise for an exchange or full refund. For your convenience, OpticsPlanet offers a FREE pre-paid shipping label for qualifying domestic returns.
Is OpticsPlanet a reputable dealer?
Is OpticsPlanet legit? Yes. If you're a hobbyist or a professional looking for tactical gear, you'll find a huge selection of brands and products at OpticsPlanet. Most items are in stock and ready to ship from the Illinois-based warehouse.
Does OpticsPlanet charge for backorders?
Check out the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions below: Do you charge if an item is backordered? No, we do not. We do not capture (collect) funds from credit cards, debit cards, or PayPal before an item is being prepared for shipment.
How long does it take to get something from OpticsPlanet?
It typically takes 5 to 10 business days to receive your order with our Value Shipping* option; however, allow up to 14 business days for final delivery. OpticsPlanet also offers express shipping methods for faster delivery*. For more information, review our domestic and international shipping options.
Who owns OpticsPlanet?
Ecentria Group, Inc.OpticsPlanet / Parent organization
Where is OpticsPlanet based out of?
OpticsPlanet, Inc. is a privately held online retailer of shooting, hunting, military, law enforcement, eyewear, and laboratory equipment. The company is headquartered in Northbrook, Illinois, and operates a number of specialized online destinations, as well as its flagship store OpticsPlanet.com.
How does OpticsPlanet backorder work?
A: OpticsPlanet.com accepts backorders on some products, including ammo. If the product is shown as out of stock and able to be backordered you will see an ETA below the "Place Backorder" button. You may place a backorder now and reserve your place in line for inventory as it becomes available.
Who does OpticsPlanet use for shipping?
All the orders shipped via UPS may be tracked on our UPS tracking page or directly on UPS site with the package tracking number that we email to you once the order is shipped. Please note that it might take up to 24 hours for UPS database to be updated with the number we sent you.
What does item ordered mean on OpticsPlanet?
This normally means that the item is being ordered directly from the manufacturer and is not currently in stock at our warehouse. But to know the exact status of your order you can check using the order status page on our website here: https://www.opticsplanet.com/order-status.html.
Does OpticsPlanet offer free shipping?
OpticsPlanet Shipping Policy All orders of $49 or more qualify for free value shipping. Otherwise, shipping costs are calculated at checkout. Free shipping offers only apply to orders shipped to locations in the contiguous United States.
Does OpticsPlanet drop ship?
We also offer the option of drop shipping deliveries directly to your customers for qualifying orders based on order size and availability.
Does OpticsPlanet ship ammo to California?
Unfortunately, we aren't able to support sales of ammunition to several locations right now, including the states of Alaska, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Washington D.C, P.O.
Is optics and ammo legit?
This is not a real business people. He will take your money. DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS WEBSITE!
Is Midway USA reputable?
MidwayUSA tends to be a dependable company to order from. The company has been active in the firearm and ammunition industry for several years longer than many other online stores. MidwayUSA sells a variety of products and accessories including reloading supplies, outdoor gear, competitive shooting items, and more.
What are OpticsPlanet bucks?
OpticsPlanet Bucks (OP Bucks) represent a promotional balance that serves to discount your purchase price and can be applied to reduce your order total by decreasing the amount owed for merchandise and shipping costs.
Is primary arms a good company?
Primary Arms is one of the most exciting up-and-coming companies in the firearm industry. The Texas-based manufacturer is responsible for sensational optics and guns that are both innovative and affordable.