travelocity return policy

by Eli McKenzie IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

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Can you get refunds from Travelocity?

Travelocity offers a 24-hour window to cancel your flight and get a full refund. This doesn't work for all airlines and fares. If you want to cancel a non-refundable flight, you will either get nothing or may be eligible for a flight credit.

Can I cancel my trip on Travelocity?

With a Travelocity Vacation Waiver you can cancel or change your trip—for any reason—and Travelocity will pay your change fees.

Can you cancel a trip and get a refund?

Cancelling a Ticket Reservation or Purchase within 24 hours of Booking. For airline tickets that are purchased at least seven days before a flight's scheduled departure date and time, airlines are required to either: allow consumers to cancel their reservation and receive a full refund without a penalty for 24 hours, ...

Does Travelocity have a 24-hour cancellation policy?

Travelocity: Travelocity allows 24-hour flight cancellation, but there is some fine print. To be eligible for 24-hour flight cancellation by Travelocity you must have booked each ticket you are seeking to cancel on at least seven days before the scheduled departure date.

What is a covered reason for trip cancellation?

The covered reasons will vary by policy, but in general, the covered reasons for canceling a trip will include: Injury or illness of insured, travel companion, family member, or business partner. Hurricane or natural disaster strikes destination. Bankruptcy or financial default of travel company.

What happens if you cancel a non refundable flight?

Refund and cancellation policies on the non-refundable flight. In case you cancel the flight reservations within 24 hours of the new booking then airlines will process your full refund without any deduction. And if that flight ticket is non-refundable even then the flight refund will be credited.

How much refund will I get if I cancel my flight?

When cancelling a domestic flight, you will be charged INR 3,000 or the airfare charge (whichever is lower). For an international flight it will cost you INR 6,000 or the airfare charge (whichever is lower). Cancellation charges for international flights may vary.

What happens if I can't travel due to Covid?

If you can't travel because of coronavirus, you might be able to get a refund or choose to rebook for another time. You should check the website of the company you booked with or any emails you've received from them. They might have a coronavirus refund policy.

How do I know if my flight is refundable?

How Do I Know My Flight Is Refundable?Check if the refundable filter is applied on the flight page.Low fare denote non-refundable tickets and high fare denote refundable tickets.Contact customer care of the airlines.Ask for details from the travel agent who is booking your flight ticket.

How long before a flight can you cancel?

The catch: You have to cancel within 24 hours of booking. Airlines are required by the U.S. Department of Transportation to refund your money if you cancel a flight within 24 hours of booking unless they offer a free 24-hour hold option when shopping for tickets.

How much time do you have to cancel a flight?

within 24 hoursThe Department of Transportation's 24-hour refund regulation states that all airlines flying in the U.S., even international carriers, must issue a full refund if the reservation is canceled within a one-day window. Here's what to know about this helpful policy for when you want to cancel a flight within 24 hours.

What happens when you cancel a flight?

If you cancel the ticket, you may be charged a fee. If the airline cancels the flight, you're entitled to a full cash refund. You can cancel a ticket essentially up until the day of travel, so there's no sense in canceling early and paying a fee.

Can I cancel a vacation package?

If you cancel planned travel, you normally have to pay some kind of penalty. But if the company cancels your trip, you may be entitled to a full – and fast – refund. A lot of people don't know this and accept a credit when an airline or cruise line cancels.

How long do you have to cancel a flight without penalty?

The Department of Transportation's 24-hour refund regulation states that all airlines flying in the U.S., even international carriers, must issue a full refund if the reservation is canceled within a one-day window. Here's what to know about this helpful policy for when you want to cancel a flight within 24 hours.

How do I cancel a Travelocity hotel reservation?

To cancel your hotel on Travelocity:Go to My Trips.Click “Manage Booking” and then choose “Cancel Booking.”

How much does it cost to change a flight on Travelocity?

The standard airline change fee is $100, but Travelocity adds an additional $30 as a penalty for rebooking a nonrefundable ticket.

Does Travelocity Give Refunds?

The agency does issue refunds occasionally, but the details depend on their partners and their current cancellation policies.

Alternative Ways To Land a Travelocity Refund

If you are eligible for a refund, it should be issued automatically when you cancel your trip or other activity.

What Are Common Travelocity Refund Problems?

Poor customer service is the main issue when trying to get a refund from Travelocity.

How Long Does It Take To Get a Travelocity Refund?

Waiting time varies depending on what you booked. Refunds for hotel bookings, car rentals, and packages can take up to 48 hours to process. You may have to wait even longer for flight cancellations since the processing time is 12 weeks or more.

Does Travelocity take screenshots?

Travelocity will not accept screenshots or other purported evidence of a lower price that cannot be independently confirmed by Travelocity personnel. Nor will Travelocity verify any request that it believes, in its sole discretion, is the result of a printing or other error or is made fraudulently or in bad faith.

Can you use Spirit Airlines for Travelocity?

Stand Alone Spirit Airlines Flights are not eligible for Travelocity Price Guarantee. Spirit Airlines flights within a package could be eligible under standard BPG rules. To collect the fifty dollar ($50.00 US) coupon, you must have an Travelocity Account with an associated email address and password combination.

Is Travelocity voiding coupons?

Travelocity reserves the right to render any coupon void that Travelocity issues in excess of these limits, or issued in error, or where the customer is found to be ineligible to receive a coupon or has been deemed by Travelocity to be abusing the Travelocity Price Guarantee program for personal or financial gains.

If your flight is scheduled to return before May 31, 2020

You can cancel your upcoming flight online or in-app through Travelocity at no penalty.

Four easy ways to cancel

Cancel online from My Trips. Log in to access your booking and follow the instructions from your itinerary to cancel.

What dates are cancellation policies good through?

With the unprecedented impacts of COVID-19 around the world, many hotels and online travel sites are still focused on solving travelers’ most immediate needs. Right now, Travelocity is focused on travel booked on our site before March 19, 2020 through the end of April.

When I cancel, will I get a credit or a refund?

As always, Travelocity follows the policies of its travel partners. That said, we know many travelers are dealing with a lot of uncertainty right now and we’re doing our best to provide refunds or options that fit travelers’ needs.

How do I cancel a vacation package?

We are working on improving our cancellation options for travelers who have booked vacation packages on our sites. Currently, travelers with a vacation package should cancel each component of their trip separately.

My airline says I have to cancel my trip through you and I keep getting conflicting advice

Our agents cannot cancel or change reservations booked on many low-cost and international airlines, including Aer Lingus, Easy Jet, Fun Jet, Norwegian, Spirit, Frontier, and Volaris. If your airline is on this list, we cannot change or cancel reservations for these airlines.

My hotel is closed due to COVID-19 – now how do I cancel?

Even if the property you booked on our site is closed due to COVID-19, our agents can assist you with processing a change or cancellation. Please follow the normal steps to cancel HERE.

The travel insurance I purchased is not covering the trip I need to cancel due to COVID-19

Check your policy to see if unforeseen events like COVID-19 are covered. You may have the option to file a claim with the insurance provider. Please note that a refund is not guaranteed in this instance. If you still wish to cancel your hotel stay or flight through Travelocity you may do so.

A step-by-step guide to hotel cancellations

If your hotel stay begins within the next 24 hours, please contact us immediately.

Frequently asked questions

Should I cancel through you or contact my hotel directly? We are working closely with our hotel partners to update lodging policies as quickly as possible. If you booked a hotel stay through our site or app, we recommend starting your cancellation or change with us first unless directed otherwise by a Travel Advisor or the property directly.

How to Cancel Your Flight

Before you cancel, make sure to review the specific airline’s rules and restrictions. You can find this information in your itinerary.

How to Cancel Your Hotel

Most hotel cancellation policies fall into one of these two categories:

How to Cancel Your Rental Car

Some car rentals can be canceled online for a refund. However, most prepaid car rental bookings are non-refundable.

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