What is OpticsPlanet's return and exchange policy?
To take the worry and hassle out of returns and exchanges, OpticsPlanet offers FREE return shipping for most items on domestic orders returned for an exchange or store credit. To take advantage of this offer, simply follow the regular RMA process and select " Print a FREE pre-paid shipping label " in the Shipping Options section.
What is OpticsPlanet's domestic compliance policy?
Per our Domestic Compliance Policy, it is ultimately the Customer's responsibility to investigate and ensure that any item is legal to use, carry, possess, purchase and/or own within the Customer's intended federal, state and/or local area. What are the exceptions to OpticsPlanet's Return Policy?
Can I cancel my order at OpticsPlanet?
At OpticsPlanet, we know sometimes plans change, and that's why we make it easy to cancel your orders! If you decide you would no longer like an item that you ordered, you can cancel it any time before we begin preparing the item for shipment. Cancelling your order is simple on our website!
What is your return policy for unopened items?
You can return most unopened/like new items within 30 days of receipt for an exchange or full refund. If you'd like the full details, check out our return policy . If you’d like to process a return, all you need to do is complete an RMA Request Form.

What is OpticsPlanet return policy?
If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return most items within 30 days of receipt of merchandise for an exchange or full refund. For your convenience, OpticsPlanet offers a FREE pre-paid shipping label for qualifying domestic returns.
Is OpticsPlanet legit?
Is OpticsPlanet legit? Yes. If you're a hobbyist or a professional looking for tactical gear, you'll find a huge selection of brands and products at OpticsPlanet. Most items are in stock and ready to ship from the Illinois-based warehouse.
Is OpticsPlanet a good place to order from?
Overview. OpticsPlanet has a consumer rating of 1.27 stars from 157 reviews indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Consumers complaining about OpticsPlanet most frequently mention customer service, credit card and business days problems.
Does OpticsPlanet have a retail store?
The company is headquartered in Northbrook, Illinois, and operates a number of specialized online destinations, as well as its flagship store OpticsPlanet.com....Opticsplanet.TypePrivateProductsshooting, hunting, camping, outdoor, military, law enforcement, eyewear, laboratory equipment3 more rows
Who owns OpticsPlanet?
Ecentria Group, Inc.OpticsPlanet / Parent organization
Where does OpticsPlanet ship from?
Most in-stock orders ship within 1-2 days from an Illinois-based distribution center.
Is optic authority legit?
Overview. Optic Authority has a consumer rating of 5 stars from 1 review indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases.
What are OpticsPlanet bucks?
OpticsPlanet Bucks (OP Bucks) represent a promotional balance that serves to discount your purchase price and can be applied to reduce your order total by decreasing the amount owed for merchandise and shipping costs.
Is optics and ammo legit?
This is not a real business people. He will take your money. DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS WEBSITE!
Does OpticsPlanet price match?
If you'd like to request a price match: Find the product you are interested in.
Does OpticsPlanet have a military discount?
OpticsPlanet gives a generous discount to those who serve. They offer a specific percentage-off military deal, between 5% and 20% off, for many select brands that they sell. Click Here to see a full list of the products available in the Optics Planet military and law enforcement discount program.
Who is the CEO of OpticsPlanet?
Mark Levitin (2000–)OpticsPlanet / CEO
Is optic authority legit?
Overview. Optic Authority has a consumer rating of 5 stars from 1 review indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases.
Is optics and ammo legit?
This is not a real business people. He will take your money. DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS WEBSITE!
What are OpticsPlanet bucks?
OpticsPlanet Bucks (OP Bucks) represent a promotional balance that serves to discount your purchase price and can be applied to reduce your order total by decreasing the amount owed for merchandise and shipping costs.
Is Campsaver com legit?
Campsaver is essentially a fraudulent business. I did not believe the reviews about the terrible customer service and poor shipping. It turns out that it is worse than the reviews. I ordered a fairly expensive piece of electronics ($1600) which was shipped by UPS.