Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart fans can earn the Return Policy trophy by using the Void Reactor to kill 10 enemies with returned shots. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart 's Return Policy trophy instructs players to kill 10 enemies by returning shots with the Void Reactor.
What is return policy in Ratchet and Clank rift apart?
Return Policy is a Trophy that you can obtain in Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart. This page contains information on how to unlock the trophy using the Void Reactor weapon. At first, this trophy may sound confusing, as you won't find a weapon named the Void Reactor weapon during your playthrough.
How do you get the return policy Trophy in rift apart?
To unlock the Return Policy trophy in Rift Apart, head to Sargasso. Near the teleporter on the south side of the map you’ll encounter groups of Fendersax Wasps. These bugs make it easy to unlock the Return Policy trophy, since they stay far enough away not to get killed by the Void Reactor shield blast.
How do you get the return policy Trophy in Ratchet and Clank?
Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart fans can earn the Return Policy trophy by using the Void Reactor to kill 10 enemies with returned shots. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart 's Return Policy trophy instructs players to kill 10 enemies by returning shots with the Void Reactor.
How do you get the return policy Trophy in Sargasso?
The Return Policy trophy is not difficult to unlock; it’s actually quite easy. The key is to use the Void Reactor on Sargasso, not at the arena. Find the bugs, keep your distance, and you’ll unlock this trophy in no time.

Is Rift Apart better than a crack in time?
Rift Apart isn't as dramatic or emotionally devastating as A Crack In Time, but it also doesn't need to be. It's serious when it needs to be, but the main emphasis is to have fun with it, which it does so through the fluid platforming and third-person shooting.
Is there a point of no return in Rift Apart?
When is the Point of No Return in Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart. For those curious, the point of no return occurs when starting the final mission during your fourth visit to Scarstu Debris Field.
Is Rift Apart worth the money?
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is an excellent PlayStation 5 exclusive. While the game doesn't change up too much of the traditional Ratchet & Clank formula, the game's story is incredibly entertaining, and the instant-loading used when switching between dimensions is groundbreaking.
Is Rift Apart replayable?
Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart is about 20 to 30 hours long. This depends on the number of mini-games and weapons upgrades players want to partake in. The game is very replayable, as mentioned above.
How hard is Rift Apart to platinum?
R&C Rift Apart is a very easy and quick game to platinum. A pure story playthrough takes around 7 hours including all cutscenes and another 2-3 hours for doing other trophy-related tasks such as Collectibles. There are no difficulty-related trophies and only 1 missable.
Is there enough Raritanium to upgrade all weapons?
There is more than enough Raritanium to upgrade every single weapon in the game fully. There are several ways that you can actually farm Raritanium in Rift Apart so you should check this out. It will let you always have a steady supply of it to make sure you are not having to skip upgrading weapons.
What should I play after rifts apart?
www.thegamer.comLost Ark.Final Fantasy 14.Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.Pokemon Legends: Arceus.Halo Infinite.
How much do you play as Ratchet in Rift Apart?
around 13 hoursHow long is the Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart playtime? Though the Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart playtime will vary slightly depending on the person, the average time it'll take you to finish is around 13 hours on the normal difficulty mode.
Will there be DLC for Rift Apart?
As cool as it would be to see Rivet's younger years, or experience Mags' adventures as opposed to just hearing about them in Lorbs, DLC for Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is unlikely.
How old is ratchet in Rift Apart?
1yRatchet & Clank: Rift Apart / Age
How many hours is Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart?
If you're a completionist, Rift Apart has a few more extra things to give you a few more hours of game time, such as weapon unlocks, collectibles and side missions. Completing all of this will take you around 18 hours, not including the NG+ mode which will double game time.
Should I play Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart?
Do You Need to Play Ratchet and Clank (2016) Before Rift Apart? No, you do not need to play Ratchet and Clank (2016) before playing Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart! The two stories are largely separate, with only minor references connecting them.
Does rift apart Have New Game Plus?
Yes, Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart does have New Game Plus, which unlocks the first time you complete the main campaign of the story. It lets you carry over all weapons, upgrades, levels and collectibles you earned during the campaign previously, able to use them from the very beginning of the restarted story.
Does Ratchet and Clank rift apart have a post game?
There are things to collect, weapons to upgrade, and many sights to see in the post-game of Rift Apart that it easily offers a few extra hours worth of content to the game's already meaty story - not that we're complaining by any stretch, there's just a lot to do!
How do you take apart a void reactor rift?
0:302:31Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart | Return Policy Trophy Guide | Void ReactorYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipFive got the reactor i've already completed the game so i'm just gonna go to the challenge roomsMoreFive got the reactor i've already completed the game so i'm just gonna go to the challenge rooms because the first bronze challenge the second wave specifically has a lot of slow moving pirates who
How do I unlock the return policy Trophy?
The Return Policy trophy is not difficult to unlock; it's actually quite easy. The key is to use the Void Reactor on Sargasso, not at the arena. Find the bugs, keep your distance, and you'll unlock this trophy in no time.
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Return Policy: Where do I start?
As soon as you start your second play of the game, you’ll have to get to Mrs Zurkon. But before that, we’d recommend using the “Void Repulsor” weapon as much as you can. You’ll need to get it to level 5, and then get to Mrs Zurkon.
How much is the Void Reactor?
The Void Reactor is 200,000 bolts, which you should have if you finished the game already. Make sure you don’t get tempted to upgrade any of the other weapons. By the time the Void Reactor becomes available, you should easily have 200,000 bolts. If you’ve followed our tips you’ll be laughing.
How do I reflect shots with the Void Reactor?
Like the original weapons, the upgraded ones have skill trees. The Void Reactor has two new skills when you hit level six. You can see the image below, to see what we mean.