Does Whole Latte Love offer free shipping?
Yes. As of -, Whole Latte Love does offer free shipping policies. View the discussion thread for more details.
Does Whole Latte Love offer free returns & exchanges?
Yes. As of April 21, 2021, Whole Latte Love does offer free return policies. View the discussion thread for more details.
Does Whole Latte Love offer international shipping?
Yes. As of April 21, 2021, Whole Latte Love does offer international shipping policies. View the discussion thread for more details.
Does Whole Latte Love offer curbside pickup?
No. Based on our last check on April 21, 2021, Whole Latte Love was not offering in-store pickup. Check the full discussion for updated information.
How often does Whole Latte Love send out newsletters?
The newsletter is generally sent out once a month and offers coupon codes, sale items, feature products as well as informative articles. Simply click on the unsubscribe button found on the bottom of the newsletter if you wish not to receive future newsletters. Email addresses are not sold or shared with other companies they are used solely for the Whole Latte Love newsletter.
Is Whole Latte Love commercial sale final?
All Whole Latte Love Commercial sales are FINAL. This includes all products available through the commercial site. Please ask about warranties for each specific brand prior to purchase, view the policies on our website, or call us at 888-411-5282 for more information.
What is the phone number for Whole Latte Love?
Phone: 1-888-411-5282. Notes: We are an Authorized Bezzera Warranty Repair Center and we cover the warranty for all our customers. Whole Latte Love technicians are available to help out with any problems.
How long is a Capresso coffee machine warranty?
Term (New): Coffee machines, Grinders and Semi-automatic espresso machines have a 1-year parts and labor warranty directly through Capresso. Super Automatic machines are commercially rated and carry either a 2-year (or 6,000 cups) parts and labor warranty if used residentially or if used in an office/ commercial environment it carries ...
How to contact Saeco for warranty?
Saeco: Term (New): 1st year warranty questions can be directed to Saeco at 1-800-933-7876. 2nd year extended warranty questions can be directed to Whole Latte Love at 1-888-411-5282. Contact Info. Website: www.wholelattelove.com.
Does a warranty cover labor?
If the problem is deemed warranty eligible, parts and labor are no cost to the consumer. The warranty does not cover maintenance needed on the machine, normal wear and tear items like group gaskets, or user error. The warranty does cover electrical and hydraulic functions of the machine.
Where do we collect Sales tax?
WHOLELATTELOVE COLLECTS SALES TAX in the following states: New York, Indiana, and Wisconsin.
For Tax-Exempt Customers
WHOLELATTELOVE DOES NOT COLLECT SALES TAX if we have your exemption certificate on file. These orders must be placed over the phone with a member of the sales department and all paperwork submitted and processed prior completing your purchase.
How to contact Saeco for warranty?
Saeco. Term (New): 1st year warranty questions can be directed to Saeco at 1-800-933-7876. 2nd year extended warranty questions can be directed to Whole Latte Love at 1-888-411-5282. Contact Info.
How long is the warranty on a coffee grinder?
Term (New): Coffee machines, Grinders and Semi-automatic espresso machines have a 1-year parts and labor warranty directly through Capresso.
What does a manufacturer warranty cover?
Most manufacturers warranties cover the cost of parts associated with repairing defects in workmanship. Scroll down to the "Warranty Information" section of this article for a comprehensive list of manufacturers and warranty information regarding their products.
Where to find warranty information on a product?
Warranty information can be found under the "Specs" block on the product page, as shown below. You will then be redirected to the "Specifications" portion of the product page, which consists of a list of important product information. Scroll down until you see information on your product's warranty, as shown below.
Does a warranty cover labor?
If the problem is deemed warranty eligible, parts and labor are no cost to the consumer. The warranty does not cover maintenance needed on the machine, normal wear and tear items like group gaskets, or user error. The warranty does cover electrical and hydraulic functions of the machine.
Does Whole Latte Love have a warranty?
Note: If Whole Latte Love is the warranty holder for your product, the warranty covers parts and labor when sent in for repair. The warranty does not cover issues that are preventable with regular maintenance and care, accidental damages, or shipping to the repair facility.