- Limit the number of beverage containers that may be returned by a single individual per day to a deposit refund amount of $25, pursuant to MCL 445.572 (10).
- Establish special or limited hours of operation for bottle return facilities.
- Limit the number of available and operating reverse vending machines.
What are the bottle return laws in Michigan?
We have some glorious bottle return laws here in Michigan. I have been to many stores with signs that say like $3 or $5 dollars maximum on bottle returns. Did you all know that by law the store cannot refuse to accept the minimum of $25 dollars.
When will the bottle deposit return program return to normal?
Beginning in June 2020, the bottle deposit return program began to be reestablished in a phased-in manner, and the program was fully reestablished in October 2020.
Can you return cans and bottles to stores?
Now any store must take cans and bottles and redeem the deposits, the Treasury Department said Thursday. Because of the coronavirus, consumers were prohibited from returning cans and bottles for weeks, starting in March.
Can I return a bottle of wine to a small store?
Yes this is true but keep in mind many small stores just do not have the available space to store copious quantities of returnables. If you have a lot of bottles to return go to a large store or spread the load out among the smaller stores.

Do Michigan stores have to accept bottle returns?
"That is a cost of doing business in Michigan, it has been since the 1970s," said Conan Smith, President and CEO of the Michigan Environmental Council. "It is the law, if you sell it, you need to take it back. Plain and simple." The law he's referring to is the 1976 Bottle Bill.
What bottles have a deposit in Michigan?
MichiganNameMichigan Beverage Container ActContainers CoveredAny airtight metal, glass, paper, or plastic container, or a combination, under 1 gallonAmount of Deposit10¢Reclamation SystemRetail storesHandling FeeNone7 more rows•Mar 10, 2022
Does Michigan have a deposit on water bottles?
Michigan's “Bottle Bill” was approved by voters back in 1976, which notably added a 10-cent deposit on all empty bottles of beer, carbonated soft drinks and water.
Is there a limit on bottle returns in Michigan 2021?
A dealer may accept, but is not required to accept, from a person, empty returnable containers for a refund in excess of $25 on any given day. In other words, the Michigan Bottle Deposit Law allows up to $25 in refunds to be given per person per day per retailer.
Is there a limit on bottle returns at Meijer?
Only bring beverage container brands that are sold at Meijer stores. Understand the maximum amount of returnable beverage containers is $25 each visit. Plan accordingly before you arrive as the bottle return rooms will be busy. Please be patient, practice social distancing and wear a face covering.
Can you return Gatorade bottles in Michigan?
All Michigan stores selling bottles, cans with 10-cent deposits must now take returns. If a retailer sells beverage containers with a 10-cent deposit, it must now also accept those bottles and cans for deposit redemption, starting immediately, the State Treasury Department announced Thursday.
Can you get money for cans in Michigan?
Michigan is one of only 10 states in the country to offer money back for used cans and bottles, a program that developed out of state recycling efforts in the 1970s. Its 10 cent returns are among the most generous amounts.
Why are cans worth 10 cents in Michigan?
Michigan's bottle deposit law has been a part of life for consumers, retailers and beverage distributors since the 1970s. At 10 cents a pop, it's tied with Oregon for the highest bottle deposit law in the country — and it promotes recycling.
Is there a deposit on wine bottles in Michigan?
No states neighboring Michigan currently have bottle deposit laws, and out-of-state bottles and cans could enter the system so long as the products were also sold at Michigan retailers.
Does Michigan pay for cans?
Michigan's 10-cent deposit law on beer, pop and other bottles and cans, enacted in 1976, has been wildly successful in getting those receptacles recycled, though the state still lags in overall recycling. But those involved in making, distributing and collecting those bottles and cans say the law needs revamping.
Which states have 10 cent bottle deposit?
Most of the other states passed laws in the 1980s. Delaware passed a law in 1982, but it was repealed in 2009. The deposit is 5 cents for every state except Michigan, where it is 10 cents.
How many cans can you return in Michigan?
Retailers may take any or all of the following steps, as they may determine to be necessary or prudent, in order to comply with state-mandated safety protocols: Limit the number of beverage containers that may be returned by a single individual per day to a deposit refund amount of $25, pursuant to MCL 445.572(10).