Nutrisystem has a simple return policy. You can return any unopened Nutrisystem item, except frozen foods, for a refund with no questions asked. To obtain a refund, simply call Nutrisystem's Customer Service department at 1-800-585-5483 to receive a Return Authorization Number. Returns must be requested within 30 days after receiving the package.
Full Answer
How hard is it to cancel Nutrisystem?
You can customize or delay your auto-delivery order at any time by calling 1-800-585-5483 or by visiting nutrisystem.com. You must call to cancel. If you cancel after the 14 day money back guarantee period and prior to paying for your second consecutive 4 week order, your payment method will credit Nutrisystem $125 for the auto-delivery discount received on your first shipment.
How to cancel Nutrisystem via customer service?
You need to:
- Go to the Nutrisystem website;
- Log into your account using your credentials;
- Click the Manage My Next Auto-Delivery Order button;
- Locate your next order ship date on the screen;
- Click to delay and choose the desired date.
Do you have to call Nutrisystem to cancel?
To cancel, you need to call Nutrisystem’s cancellation toll-free hotline at 877-338-8446. You can cancel your shipment anytime before 6pm the day before your order goes through. Your preferred payment method will send $125 to Nutrisystem if you cancel after the first 14 day money back guarantee upon which you received your food order, and before you’ve paid for your second shipment.
How do I cancel Nutrisystem?
We’ll guide you through the process.
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Can you cancel Nutrisystem after 1 month?
Deliveries will occur on a monthly basis and be shipped separately every 4 weeks unless you adjust the timing. After your 6th order your monthly shipments will end. There is no cancellation fee with the Nutrisystem Complete Program.
How do I cancel my Nutrisystem without penalty?
Well, if you've stumbled upon this issue too, here is how the cancellation process works. If you cancel the program in the first 14 days, then you will be able to do it without any penalty or extra fee. This is because a 14-day money-back guarantee is offered by Nutrisystem.
How long is Nutrisystem refund?
Nutrisystem Return Policy To obtain a refund, simply call Nutrisystem's Customer Service department at 1-800-585-5483 to receive a Return Authorization Number. Returns must be requested within 30 days after receiving the package. Refunds may take up to six weeks to be processed.
Can I return Nutrisystem food?
If, within thirty days of receipt of your package, you wish to return any unopened Nutrisystem® non-frozen food item, Nutrisystem will give you a refund, no questions asked; that's how confident Nutrisystem is that you'll love the food and enjoy losing weight with the diet program.
Is Nutrisystem worth the money?
BOTTOM LINE: Nutrisystem will likely help you lose weight in the short term, but it's expensive and restrictive. It also encourages a regular intake of highly processed foods. Plus, there's little research on its long-term success.
Do you have to stay on Nutrisystem forever?
NutriSystem is healthy and may help you lose weight. The key will be to keep it off when you are no longer using the program. You will need to have healthy eating habits to keep the weight off. This means you will need to know how to choose and make foods and know about serving sizes.
Has Nutrisystem been sued?
MIAMI -- Fifty-five more dieters have filed lawsuits claiming the Nutri/System Inc. weight loss program caused their gallbladder disease, bringing the number of such suits filed by a Miami law firm to 75.
What's better Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem?
When deciding between the two, you'll want to consider your budget, food preferences, and personal support needs. While Nutrisystem is generally more affordable, Jenny Craig is a better fit if you're interested in receiving personalized weight loss coaching.
How do I cancel my Nutrisystem order?
How to Stop NutrisystemCall the Nutrisystem cancellation line toll-free at 877-338-8446.Provide the customer service representative with your name and Nutrisystem membership number — outlined on your billing material — and tell the representative that you wish to cancel your membership and stop all food shipments.More items...
Is sugar free jello allowed on Nutrisystem?
You will need one packet of sugar-free gelatin mix, one cup of boiling water, one cup of cold water and one cup of chopped fruit. We use a strawberry flavored gelatin but you can feel free to swap in another sugar-free flavor you enjoy....Nutrition FactsServings Per Recipe 4Calories30Total FatgSaturated Fatg8 more rows
How do I change my Nutrisystem order?
You can also make changes to your order on www.nutrisystem.com by clicking MY ACCOUNT then EDIT NEXT ORDER. You can make edits to your auto-delivery order any time before 6 p.m. EST on the day before your next order is scheduled to begin processing. To cancel your auto-delivery, please call 1-800-585-5483.
Where does Nutrisystem food ship from?
In addition to this warehouse, Nutrisystem also has three warehouses in Allentown, Bethlehem and Chambersburg in Pennsylvania, and two warehouses in Sparks, Nevada.
How do I contact Nutrisystem customer service?
Please call Customer Service at 1-800-585-5483 to obtain a Return Authorization Number (RMA#).
How much does Nutrisystem cost at Costco?
Nutrisystem at Costco While the cards have a value with Nutrisystem of $100, they only cost the Costco member $79.99. By purchasing three of the cards from Costco, you have $300 in credit to purchase a 28-day plan and they can be exchanged on the Nutrisystem website for a 28-day plan.
What is the average monthly cost of Nutrisystem?
approximately $250 to $350 per monthCost: Like many commercial weight loss plans, Nutrisystem won't fit into everyone's budget. The program can cost approximately $250 to $350 per month plus the cost of additional foods from the grocery store, such as vegetables, fruit, and dairy products.
Can I change my Nutrisystem plan?
You can change your plan by going to “Settings” then “Plan Settings” and tapping on your current plan name. Then, tap “Change Plan” and pick a new plan. This will also reset your start date to the new date you choose between 30 days before or after the current date.
How long is the money back guarantee on Nutrisystem?
Money Back Guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with your first order, call 1-800-727-8046 within the first 14 days and send the remaining food back for a full refund, less shipping. Good on new 4-Week plans, first order only. Limit one per customer. This 14-Day Money Back Guarantee applies to all first time 4-week orders for Nutrisystem ® Basic ...
Where to report nutrisystem?
If you see unauthorized Nutrisystem ® food products for sale on the web, please report it to customerservice@nutrisystem.com.
How long does it take to get a refund from FedEx?
All requests for refunds and returns must be made within 30 days of delivery of your package. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-585-5483 to obtain a Return Authorization Number (RMA#). Customer service representatives will explain how to return non frozen foods via FedEx.
Can you buy Nutrisystem food from unauthorized websites?
We don’t recommend buying our food products from unauthorized websites or third parties. Nutrisystem cannot assure you of these products’ authenticity, quality or safety. These food products could be counterfeit, tampered with, damaged or beyond their expiration dates, and should not be eaten.
Can you return frozen food to Nutrisystem?
After the Money Back Guarantee Period, and within thirty days of delivery of your package, if there is any reason you wish to return any unopened Nutrisystem ® non-frozen food item, Nutrisystem will give you a refund (less return shipping), no questions asked, that’s how confident we are that you’ll love the food. Frozen foods are not returnable or refundable except under the Money Back Guarantee.
How long does it take for a Nutrisystem refund to be processed?
Refunds issued by paper check must be cleared by your financial institution before a refund can be issued and may take up to 4 weeks to be processed.
How to return a package with RMA number?
Indicate the reason for your return, include the packing slip that came with your order, and wrap the package securely. If you do not have your packing slip, please indicate the order number on a separate piece of paper, enclose in the package and send the package to the address given by the representative.
How long does it take to get a refund from FedEx?
All requests for refunds and returns must be made within 30 days of weight loss meal delivery. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-585-5483 to obtain a Return Authorization Number (RMA#). Customer service representatives will explain how to return non frozen foods via FedEx.
Can you return a frozen food order to Nutrisystem?
Please note: Frozen food items are not returnable and are not refundable once the frozen order ships.
How long is the 14 day money back guarantee for Nutrisystem?
This 14-Day Money Back Guarantee applies to all first time 4-week orders for Nutrisystem ® Basic Uniquely Yours, Uniquely Yours Max , Nutrisystem ® D ® and Vegetarian plans. All other plans, including Weekends My Way, Dinners My Way, Success A La Carte and Maintenance/Transition programs, A La Carte items and weekly orders are not included.
Where to report nutrisystem?
If you see unauthorized Nutrisystem ® food products for sale on the web, please report it to customerservice@nutrisystem.com.
How long does it take to get a refund from FedEx?
All requests for refunds and returns must be made within 30 days of delivery of your package. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-585-5483 to obtain a Return Authorization Number (RMA#). Customer service representatives will explain how to return non frozen foods via FedEx.
Can you buy Nutrisystem food from unauthorized websites?
We don’t recommend buying our food products from unauthorized websites or third parties. Nutrisystem cannot assure you of these products’ authenticity, quality or safety. These food products could be counterfeit, tampered with, damaged or beyond their expiration dates, and should not be eaten.
Can you return frozen food to Nutrisystem?
After the Money Back Guarantee Period, and within thirty days of delivery of your package, if there is any reason you wish to return any unopened Nutrisystem ® non-frozen food item, Nutrisystem will give you a refund (less return shipping), no questions asked, that’s how confident we are that you’ll love the food. Frozen foods are not returnable or refundable except under the Money Back Guarantee.
How much is the Nutrisystem auto delivery discount?
If you cancel any auto-delivery program using the Monthly Payment Option, after the first 14 days and prior to paying for your second shipment, your payment method will credit Nutrisystem $125 for the auto-delivery discount received on your first shipment.
Where to send notice to nutrisystem?
You may give notice to Nutrisystem at any time via electronic mail to privacy@nutrisystem.com or by letter delivered by first class postage prepaid U.S. mail or overnight courier to the following address: Nutrisystem, Inc., 600 Office Center Drive, Fort Washington, PA 19034 , Attn: Legal Department.
How often does Nutrisystem auto deliver?
4-week auto-delivery programs, you are automatically charged and shipped your Nutrisystem plan once every 4 weeks unless you cancel. By providing your payment card information, you are authorizing the continuation of your Nutrisystem auto-delivery program (s) automatically at the end of the 4-week period and consenting to our charging the payment method provided every 4 weeks, until you cancel.
How long does it take for nutrisystem to ship?
Depending on where you live, your Nutrisystem food order should arrive in approximately 1 to 10 business days from when you place your order. This timeframe includes your order processing time at our warehouse and the transit time with our shipping partner (s).
What is nutrisystem plan?
Nutrisystem offers a variety of plans, including a la carte and maintenance, to its customers who are ready to take the next step in their weight loss journey. These comprehensive plans offer customers complete flexibility by allowing them to continue enjoying Nutrisystem entrees and snacks as desired while learning to add their own healthy recipes to their daily menus. These plans offer a variety of options to customers who have reached their weight loss goals, or who may want to continue on the program but according to their lifestyle. These programs are available on an auto-delivery and non-auto-delivery basis. Please call us at 888-747-8446 or visit our website for details on these programs.
How to return wisely well food?
If you're not satisfied with your first order, call 1-800-727-8046 within the first 14 days and send the remaining food back for a full refund, less shipping. Good on new 4-week Basic, and Uniquely Yours plans, first order only. Limit one per customer. The Money Back Guarantee is not valid on Transition and Maintenance plans, Wisely Well product purchases and a la carte purchases. See return policy below for these plans and purchases. PURCHASES OF FROZEN FOODS AND A LA CARTE PRODUCTS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PURCHASES OF WISELY WELL PRODUCTS, ARE NOT RETURNABLE OR REFUNDABLE UNDER NUTRISYSTEM'S MONEY BACK GUARANTEE POLICY OR RETURN POLICY.
How old do you have to be to use Nutrisystem?
Use of the Site is only available to users who are 18 years of age or older and reside in the United States, or its possessions and territories. Nutrisystem makes no claims that the Site or any of its content is accessible from outside the United States.
How long does it take to cancel nutrisystem?
Unfortunately, the only way to cancel Nutrisystem auto-delivery without paying a fee is to do so in the first 14 days or after the second month’s shipment. If you are canceling after 14 days, but before your second shipment, you may want to consider giving Nutrisystem a second chance to avoid the cancellation fee.
How to cancel Nutrisystem membership?
You have to cancel Nutrisystem by phone. If you are canceling your Nutrisystem membership, you must actually call them to do so. You can’t cancel online, so plan to call the cancellation number at 1-800-585-5483 between 8 am and 10 pm EST to cancel. (Weekend hours: 9 am-9 pm EST)
What is the number one complaint about Nutrisystem?
The number one complaint that we could find in Nutrisystem reviews is about their cancellation policy . That’s because a lot of women and men signup for the program without fully understanding how to cancel, and end up surprised by the cancellation fee.
How to contact Nutrisystem customer service?
If you are canceling due to problems with shipping or your order, call Nutrisystem customer service at 1-800-585-5483.
What does it mean when you sign up for Nutrisystem?
That means each month you’ll get a shipment from them and a monthly charge on your credit card unless you cancel.
How long do you have to cancel a symlink?
After joining, you have 14 days to decide whether to continue membership, or you may face a cancellation fee. Unfortunately, this cancellation fee has inspired many women and men to write bad reviews online, who are surprised by its existence.
Is there a cancellation fee for Nutrisystem?
Yes, there may be a cancellation fee, depending on when you quit. If you are thinking of joining Nutrisystem ( we have coupons !), or already have, you’ll need to know about their cancellation policy and how to quit: #1. Nutrisystem Cancellation Policy.
What was the complaint about Nutrisystem?
One complaint our reviewer had when they tried Nutrisystem was that the meals were overly processed. But there are plenty of other services that have a focus on fresh food and ingredients.
How many meals do you get at Veestro?
You’ll get three meals a day that arrive prepared and frozen. Simply heat them in the microwave or oven, and start transforming the way you eat and feel. Check out our dedicated review to find out what it’s like to order from Veestro.
Can you cancel nutrisystem?
Canceling your Nutrisystem subscription is really easy. As long as you don’t decide to do it at the last minute, you’re not going to face any penalties – big points to Nutrisystem for not forcing you into ordering anything you don’t want.
Is Sunbasket a low calorie diet?
Sunbasket’s low-calorie plan gives you all the benefits of an organic meal kit, with the results of a diet plan. You can even choose between meal kits or Fresh & Ready prepared meals depending on how you like to cook.
Does Sunbasket have a meal kit?
Meals arrive frozen and you just pop them in the microwave! Meanwhile, Sunbasket’s low-calorie plan focuses on providing meal kits for meals that make you feel great, thanks to both the physical benefits and the ethically-minded sourcing of clean ingredients.
Is Nutrisystem one size fits all?
I tried Nutrisystem’s best plan and found that it’s definitely not one size fits all when it comes to weight loss. If you cancel too early though, you might end up paying a fine. I’ll walk you through the whole process below.
Does Nutrisystem have a keto diet?
Like Nutrisystem, this diet meal plan also offers a good selection of meals for specialized, diets, like diabetic and vegetarian but it also offers a keto weight-loss plan, which Nutrisystem doesn’t.

Your Agreement to Terms & Conditions
I. Eligibility
- After the Money Back Guarantee Period, and within thirty days of delivery of your package, if there is any reason you wish to return any unopened Nutrisystem®non-frozen food item, Nutrisystem will give you a refund (less return shipping), no questions asked, that’s how confident we are that you’ll love the food. Frozen foods are not returnable or r...
II. Auto-Delivery Program
III. A La Carte and Maintenance Plans
IV. Gift Cards
v. Telephone Calls and Call Recording
VI. Your Responsibility to Protect Your Account
VII. Nutrisystem Intellectual Property
- Nutrisystem and/or its applicable subsidiary and/or its applicable affiliates sells gift cards only at select retailers for the purchase of Nutrisystem products at Nutrisystem or by calling 1-888-995-3438. To redeem Gift Cards online, enter card number and PIN (on back of card or in email) during checkout. To redeem by telephone, please provide the...
VIII. Changes to The Site
IX. Resolving Disputes — Arbitration