What is the athlean-X training system's refund policy?
2. REFUND POLICY: The ATHLEAN-X Training System is delivered entirely as a digital product with no recoverability once it is delivered.
What is the athlean-X recoverability policy?
REFUND POLICY: The ATHLEAN-X Training System is delivered entirely as a digital product with no recoverability once it is delivered.
Can I recover my athlean-X NXT monthly training program?
The ATHLEAN-X NXT monthly training program is delivered entirely as a digital product with no recoverability once it is delivered, just like AX-1, AX-2 and Xero and TNT, however does carry specific terms of use.
Why choose athlean-X™?
Here at ATHLEAN-X™, our thousand plus before and after pictures speak loud and clear as to the power of the programs and supplements we provide. Real men and women from all walks of life, fitness levels, body types, and ages have changed their bodies and lives with the exact programs you’ll have access to when you join TEAM ATHLEAN!

Can I return an ATHLEAN-X program?
All requests for refunds and exchanges must be made within the appropriate time frame for that program. A customer has 30 days from the date of purchase for 12 week programs, 14 days from the date of purchase for 6 week programs an 7 days from the date of purchase for 4 week programs.
How good is ATHLEAN-X program?
Athlean-X Max Size program is a very good workout option for lifters who are ready to commit to an intense training cycle, are disciplined and skilled enough to maintain proper form and technique during tough workouts, and stay consistent with their diets for a 90-day period.
Is ATHLEAN-X certified?
THE ATHLEAN-X CREATOR JEFF CAVALIERE He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
Is ATHLEAN-X physical therapist?
Jeff Cavaliere, MSPT, CSCS is a professional sports physical therapist and strength coach, and the creator of the ATHLEAN-X™ workout programs and Supplements.
How long are Max shred workouts?
roughly 30-60 minutesEach workout is roughly 30-60 minutes in length. The first phase sets a good foundation for volume and higher intensity work. It uses plyometrics, bodyweight exercises, and calisthenics exclusively.
How old is Jeff Cavaliere?
47 years (June 28, 1975)Jeff Cavaliere / Age
How much does Jeff Cavaliere make annually?
He is an American celebrity trainer, fitness coach guru, physical therapist, as well as a personal trainer. Jeff Cavaliere was one of the first people to join the fitness industry....Net Worth 2022:NameJeff CavaliereMonthly Income$45,000 +Yearly Income$550,000ProfessionFitness instructor, YouTuberGenderMale1 more row•Jul 3, 2022
Does Jeff Cavaliere do cardio?
In a new video on the Athlean-X channel, Cavaliere breaks down some of the principles he uses to stay consistent with his diet and stay lean and shredded all year round, without even doing much cardio.
What is Jeff Cavaliere weight?
Athlete StatisticsWeight185 - 195lbs (83.9 - 88.5kg)Height5'8" (172.5cm)Age47Date of BirthJune 28, 1975NationalityAmerican3 more rows
Where did Jeff Cavaliere go to high school?
University of ConnecticutJeff Cavaliere / EducationThe University of Connecticut is a public land-grant research university in Storrs, Connecticut, a village in the town of Mansfield. The primary 4,400-acre campus is in Storrs, approximately a half hour's drive from Hartford and 90 minutes from Boston. Wikipedia
The Training
each program is designed to get you looking, moving and feeling like an athlete...whether you train at home or at the gym!
The Supplements
The Results
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Here at ATHLEAN-X™, our thousand plus before and after pictures speak loud and clear as to the power of the programs and supplements we provide.
The Gear
Shop our ultra comfortable athletic fit tees and official branded A-X hats to show off your gains and make a statement about how serious you take your training without having to say a word.
Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the Head Physical Therapist and Assistant Strength Coach for the New York Mets and is now one of the world’s most trusted authorities on science based training and performance.
What makes Athlean-XX different from the men’s version AthLEAN-X?
Scientifically speaking, you may have heard of the male chromosome and the female chromosomes that differentiate men and women. All of your genetic information is carried within two DNA cell clusters of two types: X and Y. Women are normally XX and men are normally XY. Don't let the slight change in one letter fool you though, as it accounts for the major differences in the way women and men store fat and develop lean muscle. So, when it comes to weight loss and fitness, there needs to be different strategies to get each to their goals the fastest. ATHLEAN-XX addresses this (based upon our already popular principles for the male version of ATHLEAN-X) and gives you a program made especially for women! Suddenly, looking great in your "genes" has an entirely new meaning!
What if I don’t get results?
If you follow the step by step Athlean-XX System for even just 30 days and haven’t already lost any inches off your biggest trouble spots or aren't seeing and feeling the difference in how your clothes fit, then simply return the program to us along with your charted workouts (so we know you gave it a fair shot!) and we'll gladly refund your money! That means we KNOW it will work and the risk is on us! Confidence like that can only come when you know you've got a proven system that reliably produces the results our customers are looking for! So what are you waiting for? You've got nothing to lose but those unwanted pounds so click the button below to ORDER NOW and get started on your new "athlean" body TODAY!
Will I gain the weight back after the program is done?
While the only two guarantees in life are death and taxes, we comfortably stake our reputation on your ability to lose permanent pounds with Athlean-XX...for two reasons. First, by putting your body into the "XX" Zone, we will be turning your once crawling metabolism into a fat burning furnace that will allow you to become a calorie burning machine even when you're resting! Second, once you have completed the 90-day program and you’re going looking hotter than you even did in high school (and having more fun than ever in doing it) you'll be so addicted to the breakthrough new way to train that is Athlean-XX that your fitness will finally become part of your life, and you'll never want to quit!
Do I need a gym membership to do the program?
No, our 10 DeluXXe Diva DVD's and BONUS DVD are made for you to participate right in the comfort of your own living room or bedroom. You can even use them when you travel if you own a portable DVD player or laptop computer.